Dear TBCC users. We are excited to announce the release of our new exchange version, 2.

21 Apr 2023, 19:15
Dear TBCC users! We are excited to announce the release of our new exchange version, 2.1.3! With new features and bug fixes, we continue to provide the best user experience. Join us on TBCC for a better trading experience! #TBCC #Exchange

Same news in other sources

21 Apr 2023, 19:40
TBCC telegram news 21 April 2023 19:40
21 Apr 2023, 19:40
亲爱的 TBCC 用户! 我们很高兴地通知您,我们的交易所发布了新版本! 我们将继续致力于改善用户体验并为您带来新功能和修复。 2.1.3 版本的新内容: 新的: 1. 新页面——交易历史! 现在您可以看到每笔交易的金额和佣金! 2. 新页面——交易记录! 您所有的钱包交易都集中在一个地方! 3.可以查看每笔交易的详细信息! 4. 新增扫码、身份验证等界面布局! 错误修复: 1. 修复了交易页面上的错误,当相同的信息出现在两个眼镜上时。 2.修复密码恢复问题。 3.修复了自动更新无法正常工作的情况。 修补程序: 1.修复更新弹窗出现版本文本问题。 2.感谢社区,修复了一些不同语言的短语。 *此版本可在应用程序自动更新中使用 *新版本在云组中可用: 我们将继续致力于改进 TBCC 并添加新功能,为我们的用户提供最佳体验。 感谢您与我们在一起! 此致,TBCC 团队。
亲爱的 TBCC 用户. 我们很高兴地通知您,我们的交易所发布了新版本. 我们将继续致力于改善用户体验并为您带来新功能和修复。. 3 版本的新内容:. 新页面——交易历史. 现在您可以看到每笔交易的金额和佣金. 新页面——交易记录.
亲爱的 TBCC 用户! 我们很高兴地通知您,我们的交易所发布了新版本! 我们将继续致力于改善用户体验并为您带来新功能和修复。 2.1.3 版本的新内容: 新的: 1. 新页面——交易历史! 现在您可以看到每笔交易的金额和佣金! 2. 新页面——交易记录! 您所有的钱包交易都集中在一个地方! 3.可以查看每笔交易的详细信息! 4. 新增扫码、身份验证等界面布局! 错误修复: 1. 修复了交易页面上的错误,当相同的信息出现在两个眼镜上时。 2.修复密码恢复问题。 3.修复了自动更新无法正常工作的情况。 修补程序: 1.修复更新弹窗出现版本文本问题。 2.感谢社区,修复了一些不同语言的短语。 *此版本可在应用程序自动更新中使用 *新版本在云组中可用: 我们将继续致力于改进 TBCC 并添加新功能,为我们的用户提供最佳体验。 感谢您与我们在一起! 此致,TBCC 团队。
21 Apr 2023, 19:40
TBCC telegram news 21 April 2023 19:40
21 Apr 2023, 19:39
Dear TBCC users! We are pleased to inform you about the release of a new version of our exchange! We continue to work on improving the user experience and bring you new features and fixes. What's new in version 2.1.3: New: 1. New page - trading history! Now you can see the amount and commission for each transaction! 2. New page - transaction history! All your wallet transactions in one place! 3. Ability to view detailed information on each transaction is available! 4. Added new layout for such screens as: scanner , ID verification! BugFix: 1. Fixed a bug on the trade page, when the same information came to both glasses. 2. The problem with password recovery has been fixed. 3. Fixed a situation where auto-update did not work correctly. hotfix: 1. Fixed the text of the version when the update popup appeared. 2. Thanks to the community, some phrases in different languages have been fixed. *This version is available in app auto-update *The new version is available in the Cloud group: We will continue to work on improving TBCC and adding new features to provide the best experience for our users. Thank you for being with us! Sincerely, TBCC team.
Dear TBCC users. We are pleased to inform you about the release of a new version of our exchange.
Dear TBCC users! We are pleased to inform you about the release of a new version of our exchange! We continue to work on improving the user experience and bring you new features and fixes. What's new in version 2.1.3: New: 1. New page - trading history! Now you can see the amount and commission for each transaction! 2. New page - transaction history! All your wallet transactions in one place! 3. Ability to view detailed information on each transaction is available! 4. Added new layout for such screens as: scanner , ID verification! BugFix: 1. Fixed a bug on the trade page, when the same information came to both glasses. 2. The problem with password recovery has been fixed. 3. Fixed a situation where auto-update did not work correctly. hotfix: 1. Fixed the text of the version when the update popup appeared. 2. Thanks to the community, some phrases in different languages have been fixed. *This version is available in app auto-update *The new version is available in the Cloud group: We will continue to work on improving TBCC and adding new features to provide the best experience for our users. Thank you for being with us! Sincerely, TBCC team.